7 Sіmрlе Spiritual Hacks thаt Wіll Bооѕt уоur Mеntal Health

Sріrіtuаlіtу hаѕ bееn defined аѕ the bеlіеf and practices that dеvеlор bаѕеd оn реrѕоnаl values аnd ideology of thе mеаnіng and purpose оf life аѕ раrt of a lаrgеr ѕсhеmе. It rеfеrѕ to thе belief that thеrе іѕ a power outside of оnе’ѕ оwn that transcends undеrѕtаndіng. Sріrіtuаlіtу and hеаlth are twо ѕubjесtѕ that nееd

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Posted by Steven
October 22, 2017
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Cosmetic Surgery Trends And Procedures

There are some findings that suggest cosmetic surgery was being performed during the 16th century, and its popularity has been constantly rising until now. The main difference between centuries is that in the past, procedures were performed just to the people who suffered an injury or trauma. Things have changed over the years, and modern

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Posted by Steven
October 17, 2017
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Top 10 Most Addictive Prescription Pills

Many prescription drugs available today have serious side effects that can lead to abuse. Although doctors prescribe them quite often, a dependence on the substance can develop quickly. The mod abused drugs are technically used as painkillers, antidepressants, and stimulants. Though once the high hits, leading to relaxation or a heightened energy, it is easy

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Posted by Steven
September 18, 2017
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5 Teas to Drink Up To Get Blooming Skin

Tea is one of the most popular beverages in the world, having a lot of beneficial properties to offer. It can cure the symptoms of the common cold, improve digestion and boost overall energy levels; it can have a relaxing effect, allowing one to feel better in an instant. Well, you might not be aware

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Posted by Ana Kristi
September 7, 2017
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9 Proven Nootropics for Depression that Nobody Talks About

First off, it’s important to establish a good understanding of what a nootropic substance is. A nootropic is a drug or supplement that is used to enhance memory and other cognitive functions such as memory, motivation, and creativity. Nootropics can both occur naturally and be made synthetically. In 1982, Dr. Corneliu E. Giurgea published a

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Posted by Steven
August 29, 2017
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