Metatarsalgia causes pain and inflammation in football. Athletes in jumping and running events usually get affected by this disease. The ailment is also common in people having foot deformities. Even, you can suffer foot pain by wearing high-heels shoes.
Symptoms of Metatarsal foot pain usually leave with the use of an ice pack or complete rest. Doctors also recommend wearing appropriate shoes. In this case, you can consult a podiatrist. He will examine your foot and suggest you some exercise and shoes to get instant relief from your pain.
Who Is Prone?
Clinical researches suggest that anyone can get Metatarsal foot pain. However, the following people carry more risks of developing the ailment:
- Professional athletics.
- People not wearing proper shoes.
- Overweight and obese people.
- People with other foot issues. These may include hammertoe or calluses on the bottom of feet.
- Rheumatoid arthritis or gout patients.
Common Symptoms
- Metatarsal foot pain causes sharp, aching, or burning soreness in the ball of foot.
- Pain becomes graver when you stand or walk for a long duration.
- You may also experience the pain while flexing the feet to walk.
- Patients often feel a pebble presence in their shoes.
- The pain is absolutely sharp in nature. You may also get numbness or tingling in toes.
- Metatarsal foot pain happens frequently to distance runners. Our foot front absorbs additional forces to facilitate running. For high-impact sports, the extent of force may go beyond the applicable limit for the feet. The situation becomes worse when you wear poorly-fit shoes.
- Uncommon foot shapes may also cause the disease. For instance, a high arch puts extra pressure on the metatarsals. Your toes need to shift more weight to the second metatarsal head which may cause pain.
- Similar things happen if the second toe is longer than the big toe. Apart from that, the arch area of your feet will absorb the force when you walk or run, and if you have uneven arches then you can suffer from foot pain.
- Wearing high-heel shoes or much smaller footwear may cause distort in the foot shape. You might experience swollen and painful bumps at the base of your big toes. It is metatarsalgia.
- Neuroma: Clinically, it is called Morton’s neuroma. The condition involves the generation of noncancerous fibrous tissues growth between the third and fourth metatarsal heads. The symptoms resemble Metatarsal foot pain. The condition may also contribute to metatarsal stress.

Metatarsal foot pain gives rise to other conditions if not treated in time. You will need to take pressure off from the pain portion of your foot.
- It will change your walk pattern. The changed walking style may also cause pain elsewhere in the same foot or the other foot.
- Finally, the pain may drift to the lower back or hips. You may also get a hammertoe.
Treating Metatarsal Foot Pain
Doctors usually prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs for Metatarsal foot pain treatment. Doses include Advil, Motrin, and Nuprin. Naproxen drugs are also effective as short-term pain relievers. But, do not take any medicine without consulting a doctor.
Other Medical Treatment
- Doctors may require you to stay off the feet. You will also need to avert the high-impact activities for the time being. Propping up the injured foot is also a way to neutralize trauma.
- Applying ice on the injured foot.
- Use a pressure bandage.
- Surgery may be the solution to fix bone issues. Doctors also recommend surgery if the medication cannot heal pinched nerve.
The parting words
Consult your personal physician. He is the ideal person to suggest further treatments.