How to Properly Use SEO Tools without Over-Optimizing


People are becoming more and more aware of the importance of search engine optimization for growing their business. There’s barely anyone today who doesn’t go to the internet as the first source of information, and if you want to be noticed, you have to make sure the algorithm is recognizing your page as a place with reliable and relevant information. So, how is it possible to over-optimize your site? Are you looking for new SEO tools that will help you with right data for your optimization? Isn’t more optimization always better? Not really, and the algorithms of today will punish you if they notice that you are trying too hard to get your page at the top of the search results, no matter what.

Keep quality high


People make the mistake of thinking that today’s algorithms prefer quantity over quality. This isn’t true, and you need to make sure that the quality of your content is there. Algorithms also pay attention to reader retention, which means that baiting people with titles and not delivering on the content will lead to people quickly clicking away from your page and decreasing your relevance to the search engine. If you have guest posts or simply guest links, you still have to make sure that the content is relevant and something that people will want to read. You might think that having paid links and posts is an easy way to earn something, but in reality, the damage they are doing to your placement in the search engine isn’t worth it.

Track your results

When you start out, you have to be aware that results are constantly changing, and there’s no such thing as setting up one system and leaving it be. The algorithms are constantly being updated and you have to stay on your toes. For starters, you want to get comfortable with using SEO reports for collecting and monitoring statistics. Track them constantly, and as soon as you see some big changes – and especially if your results drop – do some research to see if there have been any updates to the search engines or if you’ve been doing something differently. Have you changed your writer? Are you employing a new strategy for your KW implementation? These things can all affect your results, and you have to track and adapt as you go along. Streamline your tasks through time tracking sheets and have a better understanding of which tasks are the most and the least time consuming. 


Take it easy on the keywords

If you’re still thinking that the more keywords you have, the better you will do – you’re living in the past. That hasn’t been the case for a very long time and if you’re still following that rule, you’re doing your page a lot more damage than good. Years ago, the algorithms relied on how often the keyword appeared in the text, and that was it. But people abused this and posted unreadable texts, completely oversaturated with keywords and not giving any real information at all. To prevent this, the algorithms changed and started spotting when a certain word or phrase has been used too many times, and they’ve only gotten more sophisticated since. So to avoid your site being flagged for spamming keywords, make sure you’re posting quality content that readers will naturally gravitate to, and only mention your keyword once in the title, once in the first paragraph and only when it comes completely naturally in the text itself.

Mastering the proper use of SEO companies will make all the difference in the traffic you get and the kind of people you attract. You have to be patient and understand that building a readership base takes time and that you will not notice the results immediately. Give it time, keep your quality high and you will see the traffic you want, because search engines have – most simply put – become too smart to trick.

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