
Cures for Writer’s Block

We’ve all experienced writer’s block. You have an idea for a novel but you just don’t get comfortable writing that first sentence. Or, you may be in the middle of a novel and it just doesn’t seem right. You don’t know what path to take. You write a few sentences and toss your paper in

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Posted by Steven
August 15, 2017
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10 Foods That Absolutely Maintain Brain Health

Are you interested in keeping your brain as healthy as it is possible? Do you strongly believe that we are what we eat? If you have given an affirmative answer to either one of these two questions, you should definitely keep on reading this article. In the following paragraphs, you will have the opportunity to

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Posted by Steven
August 14, 2017
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6 Simple Life Hacks Increase Health Wealth

Two of the hottest industries right now are those that teach you how to make more money and how to lose more weight. Since being in debt is one of the biggest reasons people feel stress throughout their life, it obviously makes sense to make money in order to relieve your financial burden. On the

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Posted by Ana Kristi
August 11, 2017
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