The Link Between Cancer and Alcohol

Drinking alcohol poses a cancer risk

It has long been recognized that alcohol consumption can lead to liver disease and other health problems. But new data shows further dangers that alcohol poses. Recent research in the Addiction journal has now found that alcohol is directly linked to breast cancer risk, as well as six other forms of cancer. In this latest post, the team at The Law Firm will highlight this research and explain the latest findings.

The Clear Link Between Alcohol and Breast Cancer Risk

Research shows that 5.8% of cancer-related deaths can be directly linked to alcohol consumption. With 40,610 women who will die as a result of breast cancer in the US this year, this means 5.8% of those deaths – a total of 2,355 – will be the result of alcohol consumption.

Alcohol increases the levels of naturally occurring hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. Alcohol can also damage DNA cells, which can increase the risk of a person developing cancer.

Numbers of Alcohol-Related Deaths in the UK Have Doubled

Figures from around the world continue to highlight the damage that alcohol is having on society. Consider figures from the UK, for example, where the data shows that alcohol-related deaths almost doubled from 4,525 to 8,757 between 1994 and 2015.

There’s Good News

The good news is that those who give up alcohol reverse their risk of suffering from cancers of the larynx and liver. This means that even those with significant alcohol-related issues still have hope for mitigating the damage on their bodies over the long-term.

Luckily, the persistent cancer research has been fruitful and many breakthroughs have been noted recently.

It’s still a challenge that impacts societies around the globe. To learn more on the worldwide impact of alcohol and its increasing link with cancer diagnoses, please take a look at this latest infographic.

The relationship between alcohol; & cancer

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